
Matthew Carr, Evan Kontopantelis, Tim Doran, Christine Campbell, Lorraine Lipscombe, Emma Crosbie, Anothony Howell, Iain E Buchan, Andrew G Renehan

PH375 / 750 Clinical-Coded Phenotype

  1. Overview

    Phenotype Type
    Disease or syndrome
    Valid Event Date Range
    1999 - 2011
    Coding System
    Read codes v2OXMIS codes
    Data Sources
    ClinicalCodes RepositoryPhenotype Library
    No data
    No data
  2. Definition


    Studies from healthcare databases suggest that patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) under-utilize cancer screening opportunities, but recording bias may be a problem. We evaluated the relative effect of T2D on screening utilization trends among long-established UK national programmes in breast and cervical cancers; and tested the impact of introducing a primary care financial incentive scheme (QOF) in 2004, known to improve data recording for diabetes-related care.

    Materials and methods:

    Using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink, we identified women with prevalent T2DM (N = 174,256), separately by year for 1999 to 2011, and eligible for screening events for breast (aged 50-70 years) and cervical (aged 35-49 and 50-64 years) cancers. We described secular trends and compared these with the non-diabetes population, and accounted for co-morbidities using matched conditional logistic regression models. We performed interrupted time-series (ITS) analyses to assess the impact of the QOF introduction.


    Compared with the non-diabetes population, relative uptake rates for breast and cervical screening were generally similar in patients with T2D pre-2004, becoming greater for years post-2004. These patterns were unaffected by adjustment for GP practice, and were not accounted for by T2D associated co-morbidities. ITS analysis showed increased activities in all three screening groups for 2007, but these broadly returned to pre-2004 trends by 2011, paralleling similar patterns in recording for other care provision indicators.


    In this population, we found no evidence that women with T2D under-utilize breast and cervical cancer screening opportunities. A financial incentive scheme was associated with intermediate-term improvements in screening utilization, but this is likely to reflect improved recording of care events.

  3. Implementation


    No data
  4. Clinical Code List

  5. Publication

    Related publications

    • Magthew Carr, Even Kontopantelis, Tim Doran, Christian Campbell, Lorraine Lipscombe, Emma Crosbie, Anthony Howell, Iain E Buchan, Andrew G Renehan, Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Utilization, and recording bias, in women with type 2 diabetes (UK). 2015.

    Citation Example

    Matthew Carr, Evan Kontopantelis, Tim Doran, Christine Campbell, Lorraine Lipscombe, Emma Crosbie, Anothony Howell, Iain E Buchan, Andrew G Renehan. PH375 / 750 - Diabetes. Phenotype Library [Online]. 06 October 2021. Available from: http://phenotypes.healthdatagateway.org/phenotypes/PH375/version/750/detail/. [Accessed 12 March 2025]

  6. API

    To Export Phenotype Details:

    JSON site_root/api/v1/phenotypes/PH375/version/750/detail/?format=json
    R Package

    # Download here


    # Connect to API

    client = ConceptLibraryClient::Connection$new(public=TRUE)

    # Get details of phenotype

    phenotype_details = client$phenotypes$get_detail(

    Py Package

    # Download here

    from pyconceptlibraryclient import Client

    # Connect to API

    client = Client(public=True)

    # Get codelist of phenotype

    phenotype_codelist = client.phenotypes.get_detail(

    To Export Phenotype Code List:

    JSON site_root/api/v1/phenotypes/PH375/version/750/export/codes/?format=json
    R Package

    # Download here


    # Connect to API

    client = ConceptLibraryClient::Connection$new(public=TRUE)

    # Get codelist of phenotype

    phenotype_codelist = client$phenotypes$get_codelist(

    Py Package

    # Download here

    from pyconceptlibraryclient import Client

    # Connect to API

    client = Client(public=True)

    # Get codelist of phenotype

    phenotype_codelist = client.phenotypes.get_codelist(

  7. Version History

    Version IDNameOwnerPublish date
    Diabetes ieuan.scanlon2021-10-06 16:16