Team and Collaborators


Dr Martin Chapman

Research Fellow

Martin is a researcher working in Health Informatics at King's College London. He is currently involved in developing models and tooling for computational phenotypes, funded by Health Data Research UK and the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre.

Dr Vasa Curcin

Reader in Health Informatics

Vasa is a Senior Lecturer in Health Informatics, leading the Biomedical Informatics Group at School of Population Health and Environmental Sciences at King's College London. His research focuses on the theoretical informatics foundations and resulting software infrastructures for the Learning Health Systems, specifically in the areas of clinical trials and decision support systems, together with the role of data provenance in delivering reproducibility and auditability to scientific tasks.

Prof Spiros Denaxas (PI)

Professor in Biomedical Informatics

Spiros is Professor of Biomedical Informatics based at the UCL Institute of Health Informatics. His lab's research focuses on creating and evaluating computational approaches for phenotyping in structured electronic health records, clinical and genomic data.

Natalie Fitzpatrick

HDR UK Phenomics Programme Manager

Natalie is the Phenomics Programme Manager for the Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) National Phenomics Resource and National Text Analytics Implementation projects. She is based at the UCL Institute of Health Informatics and co-leads the Institute's Phenomics Group. Natalie has more than 20 years' experience managing complex research programmes involving large linked electronic health record data. She also leads on facilitating research collaborations for the CALIBER platform ( and leads on patient and public engagement for the Institute.

Dr Chuang Gao

Data Scientist

Chuang is a Data Scientist working in the Health Informatics Centre (HIC), University of Dundee. His research focuses on creating and evaluating novel models and tooling for Electronic Health Record federation system. He is also currently involved in UK national phenotypes portal development, guideline development of multimorbidity clinical trials.

Prof George Gkoutos

Professor in Clinical Bioinformatics

George is a Professor in Clinical Bioinformatics, a joint appointment between the University of Birmingham Medical School and the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. He is a Faculty Affiliate Professor of Clinical Bioinformatics, Berkeley Lab, Associate Director of MRC Health Data Research UK, Co-Director of the WCH-Birmingham Research Institute and Alan Turing Fellow. His lab's research lie in the fields of translational research and integrative systems biology, biomedical knowledge formalisation, standardisation and representation, AI based multimodal large data harmonisation, interoperability, integration and analysis, comparative phenomics, genomics and multiomics integration and analytics.

Prof Emily Jefferson

Professor of Health Data Science and Director of Health Informatics Centre, Dundee

Emily is the academic lead and Director of the Health Informatics Centre (HIC) at the University of Dundee and Chair of Health Data Science. She has a team of c.55 people providing research and services to over 1000 different research projects bringing expertise in health informatics, data science, data management, governance, machine learning and AI. She is responsible for an ISO27001 certified infrastructure and a Scottish Government accredited Safe Haven. Emily's main research interest is in innovative automated methods for the provision of sensitive linked data which meets both data governance requirements and those of the research community. HIC have provided >2000 linked data extracts for research utilising phenotype definitions. Her team will bring this expertise to the project and be able to utilise the portal to support reusable phenotypes at UK wide scale. Emily is also the Alleviate Pain Hub Director and will be incorporating detailed pain phenotypes into the portal.

Dr Andreas Karwath

Rutherford Research Fellow

Andreas is generally interested in research in and development of semantic-based "information commons for research" health care-related data frameworks. These frameworks should serve as fully integrated health research information platforms, with access to both deep clinical data and extensive unstructured and large data on individual patients and populations.

Dr Shahzad Mumtaz

Postdoctoral research assistant / Health data scientist at the Health Informatics Centre (HIC), University of Dundee

Shahzad has a PhD in computer science from Aston University, UK. His masters and BSc degrees are also in computer science from The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Just after PhD, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher for an 11 months project at Aston University, UK. His research interests are in machine learning models both in terms of their mathematical foundations and their application to health care and bioinformatics problems. He has worked on projects like: An analysis of protein family of major histocompatibility complex, demand forecasting for National Health Services (NHS) emergency departments of West-Midlands hospitals, UK, probabilistic modelling of blood glucose via eye parameters and development of Data Visualisation and Modelling System.

Dr Helen Parkinson

Head of Molecular Archival Resources, EMBL-EBI

Helen is Head of Molecular Archival Resources at EMBL-EBI. Helen's team manages, analyses, and distributes complex high-throughput phenotypic data from mammals and promotes phenomic data integration internationally. They also develop open-source software tools for managing data, developing and integrating ontologies and data, and integrating semantic web technologies.

Daniel Thayer

Senior Data Scientist

Dan leads a team of data scientists that support research with the SAIL Databank, a repository of anonymised Welsh population data. He is responsible for handling enquiries about SAIL, supporting all existing research projects, and developing tools and infrastructure to improve the research process, as well as sitting on the SAIL operations group.

Leandro Tramma

Application Development Technical Manager

Leandro is an experienced software developer with great passion for beautifully crafted software and a keen interest in Application Lifecycle Management and good Software Design. In 2013 he joined HIC as a Senior Software Developer. Leandro currently manages multiple projects within the ADP team, providing technical expertise and guidance for the team. He is involved in the design and development of the Research Data Management Platform for HIC Services. Leandro graduated in Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" and in 2007 he moved to Scotland from Italy.

Dr Susheel Varma

Director of Engineering, Health Data Research UK

Susheel is Director of Engineering (a.k.a Director of Possibilities) at HDR UK.

Prof Harry Hemingway (FFPH FRCP FMedSci)

Research Director at HDR UK, Institute Director at the Institute of Health Informatics, UCL Professor of Clinical Epidemiology

Harry Co-Leads the Phenomics research priority area in HDR UK with Emily Jefferson. Along with Spiros Denaxas, he established and grew the CALIBER portal for open, reproducible phenotyping using electronic health records from multiple sources. The CALIBER approach has been further developed, along with other influences, into the current HDR UK portal.

He led the Prognosis Research Strategy (PROGRESS) initiative with a series of articles published across BMJ and PLoSMed and is founding Director of the Institute of Health Informatics at UCL, and Professor of Clinical Epidemiology. The central focus of his research is to develop underpinning methods to exploit the scale and phenotypic resolution of electronic health records (EHR) in order to offer systematic insights across common and rare diseases, for example in prognosis.

He has published over 275 papers, has an h-index >90 with 40,000 citations with research informing changes in clinical practice guidelines and public health policies with implications for the health of millions.


Swansea University

University of Birmingham

UCL Institute of Health Informatics

University of St Andrews

University of Edingburgh

University College London Hospitals