Technical Documentation
Phenotype Library Inclusion Criteria
- Define a disease (e.g. hypertension), life style risk factor (e.g. smoking) or biomarker (e.g. blood pressure)
- Derive information from one or more electronic health record data sources. This can include national and local sources. The definition of EHR includes administrative data such as billing/claims data, and clinical audits.
- Have one or more peer-reviewed outputs associated with it e.g. journal publication, scientific conferences, policy white papers etc.
- Provide evidence of how the phenotyping algorithm was validated.
Phenotyping algorithms are stored in the Phenotype Library usign a combination of YAML and CSV files. There are two main components to each algorithm:
- The phenotype definition file (which is defined in a YAML file); and,
- One or more teminology files (also known as codelists) which can be stored inline within the YAML file or in linked CSV files
Phenotype Definition
The phenotype definition file is a YAML header file. The YAML file is used to record metadata fields capturing information about the algorithm, the data sources, controlled clinical terminologies and other information.
Clinical-Coded Phenotype Template:
Defining a Concept
Existing concepts can be linked to new phenotypes using their concept id and version id, new ones can be uploaded via a csv file.
How to Submit Data
You can download a sample template file from the repository.
If you have a phenotyping algorithm that meets the eligibility requirements, we invite you to submit your data by one of the following ways:
- By using the Phenotype Builder
- By using the ConceptLibraryClient R Package
- By using the pyconceptlibraryclient Python Package
- By contacting us