CCU002_02 Cancer
CVD-COVID-UK consortium, William N Whiteley, Samantha Ip, Jennifer A Cooper, Thomas Bolton, Spencer Keene, Venexia Walker, Rachel Denholm, Ashley Akbari, Efosa Omigie, Sam Hollings, Emanuele Di Angelantonio, Spiros Denaxas, Angela Wood, Jonathan A C Sterne, Cathie Sudlow
PH1001 / 2179 Clinical-Coded Phenotype
Phenotype TypeDisease or syndromeSexBothValid Event Date Range08/12/2020 - 18/03/2021Coding SystemICD10 codesSNOMED CT codesCollectionsBHF Data Science CentrePhenotype LibraryTagsNo dataDefinition
Code type is set to 1 for incident events, and 0 for prevalent events.
Clinical Code List
PUBLISHED - 70 Codes
PUBLISHED - 1906 Codes