Cystic Fibrosis carriers & related conditions
Miller, Aaron C., et al.
PH1676 / 3478 Clinical-Coded Phenotype
Phenotype TypeDisease or syndromeSexBothValid Event Date RangeNo dataCoding SystemICD10 codesRead codes v2Data SourcesNo dataCollectionsPhenotype LibrarySAILTagsCOVID-19Definition
Cystic Fibrosis carriers & related conditions
Please note that this code list originates from the "Cystic fibrosis carriers are at increased risk for a wide range of cystic fibrosis-related conditions" publication and was sourced from the author's Github.
This code list has been uploaded to this site for use in a related study. Please find information relating to this code list and its associated publication below.
Cystic fibrosis (CF) carriers are at increased risk for most of the conditions that commonly occur in people with CF.
Given that there are more than 10 million CF carriers in the United States alone, the morbidity attributable to the CF carrier state is likely substantial. Thus, identifying CF carriers may aid in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of several common and uncommon disorders.
Clinical Code List
PUBLISHED - 3809 Codes
PUBLISHED - 992 Codes